Noah Anderson is a student at Tor Bridge sixth form in Plymouth, taking A-Levels in IT, Music, and Maths. Having been interested in IT and technology since a young age, Noah joined Timewade for a week to get a glimpse of what it’s like working in the sector.
Why tech and IT?
Noah said: “I’ve been interested in technology since I was young. Whenever I’m on a computer I love to go into the settings to play around and fix issues myself. I also enjoy music, particularly music production, and have found that the two complement each other well in terms of skills.
“At school, I took a GCSE in computer science, and got really high grades, which really encouraged me to pursue it at A-Level.”
The world of work
Noah said: “I’m really happy I found a company like this, who were up for showing me the ropes and giving me the opportunity to discover more about a career in tech. I’ve loved being in the office – it’s really relaxed, and it feels like I’m hanging out with friends a lot of the time. Plus there was plenty of cake!
“While I love studying at sixth form, it was really interesting to feel part of a work team for a week, and work on something practical and hands-on outside of a classroom.”
What he got up to
Noah said: “During my time here I’ve covered a range of different things, and I’ve realised there’s a lot more variety in IT than I ever expected! I got to shadow the service desk, going through their process of managing IT problems coming in, from ticketing to being on call with them. One day I worked with the stock manager, helping sort through the stockroom, which was fun.
“I also got to go on two client visits, which was my favourite part of the week. Interacting with clients and supporting them in person was really interesting, and wasn’t something I had expected to be part of a job in IT.”
The future
When Noah finishes his A-Levels, he’s now planning on doing an apprenticeship to gain hands-on experience in the industry.
“The tech sector is growing all the time, especially in the South West, and there are so many interesting opportunities to get involved in. I would ideally like to combine my love for technology with my passion for music and music production, but we’ll have to see what happens next!”
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