How often do you review your tech?
And when you do, are you reassured that you have suitable cybersecurity measures in place? Is it lovely to know these are the right software solutions for your business in a rapidly changing market? And do you enjoy a smug glow, knowing that your IT system is running so smoothly that you hardly notice it?
Hopefully yes. Maybe not.
When life is good, companies rarely review their IT, and they rarely review in a systematic way. In fact, reviews are usually only conducted in response to a specific problem.
But, is rushing into review mode as a response to a problem really the best approach? It might highlight specific learnings from that particular issue, but in my experience, it will not help you develop, implement and maintain a strategic approach to your technology, an approach that prioritises and achieves ongoing accelerated growth in line with your business strategy.
Continual IT review
I’ve been involved in a lot of IT systems reviews in my time. And that’s because my time has been at Timewade, where the reviewing never stops!
For most companies, a review is a point in time, a snapshot.
A review in response to an unexpected event – a cyber attack, data breach or systems failure – will focus on specific problems and mistakes identified, to then make the necessary changes to try and ensure that it cannot happen again. This is an important procedure to carry out, but is a snapshot response.
Or it might be an annual review where data is reviewed, views sought and decisions made about IT priorities and investment, the mix of in-house work and projects that are going to need the support of trusted external partners. This approach, even if it is comprehensive, is again, a snapshot in time.
Today not tomorrow
One of our values at Timewade is: ‘today not tomorrow’, This is true in how we have become the trusted technology partner of firms looking for continuous improvement, through maximising the benefits of technology, every day of the year, rather than in bursts, or responses to specific events.
We do this by building reviews into the day-to-day processes. That’s right! Life becomes one-long review, review, review party!
The process is set up in a non-obtrusive but highly intelligent, data-rich way, meaning we have complete oversight of a company’s tech structure, systems and activity. We therefore have the full rundown on the performance & the risks. This enables us to resolve issues before they become a problem and see the potential strategic opportunities, be that streamlining, adopting newly available tech approaches, utilising efficiencies or bold new solutions.
And, because we reduce the number of IT problems that our clients face, we replace that wasted time with more valuable time, and headspace, to focus on and make strategic decisions based on the continuous flow of knowledge that a continuous review process can deliver.
Jordan (right) reassures a client that continuous reviews can be fun!
Strategy support
Combine that with the director-level strategy expert we put alongside your top team, and you can really start to see how this embedded, continuous review process, can drive a high-performance tech strategy.
It’s not rocket science, and maybe other tech strategy and support companies will catch on or are doing it already. But in my experience at Timewade, working with dozens of clients across various sectors, it really works.
But don’t just take my word for it – try it, and if you need guidance on how, we’re always here to help.
About the Author: Jordan Westcott – Operations Director. Contact me on 01392 367676.