Blog written by Candice Walters, Women in Tech Ambassador and Business Technology Consultant at Timewade
Accessing digital skills and securing a fulfilling, well-paid job in the tech industry often seems out of reach for women. And yet tech companies around the world are reporting talent shortages, missing out on the wealth of knowledge and skills that women can bring to the table. In this blog, our Women in Tech Ambassador Candice Walters shares her insights into what it’s like working as a woman in tech, and why more women should consider a career in technology and IT.
Underrepresentation of women in the tech sector
Did you know women hold only 26% of computing-related jobs? Women in tech statistics highlight the work that still needs to be done to ensure the tech sector is a safe and attractive area for women to work in. Feeling underrepresented can put some people off applying for jobs, so this can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But don’t let the lower number of women in tech put you off.
Why aren’t there more women in tech?
Women are 16% less likely to apply for a tech job, as they tend to feel they have to meet all job requirements before they can apply. In contrast, men feel meeting about 60% of requirements of a job is sufficient.
If you meet a number of the requirements, go for it! Companies like Timewade are fantastic at offering on the job training and qualifications, so you can continue to develop skills while you’re working. And as for joining a male-dominated industry, I haven’t let that hold me back. I love my team, I’m very supported by my company, and I’m really glad I went for it and started my career journey in an area I’m passionate about.
What it’s like working as a woman in tech
I started my journey in the technology industry in 2018 after completing my degree in Business Management. My first role was as an account manager at an internet service provider, and am now a Business Technology Consultant at Timewade.
Timewade has been really supportive of my ambitions, encouraging me to develop my skills and gain a number of technology accreditations including CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) and Microsoft 365 Fundamentals (MS-900).
My experience has been nothing but positive,I have found my career so far really rewarding. I feel appreciated by the company, and my views and knowledge are always taken on board in decisions. Despite tech being a male-dominated industry, I always feel supported by my team in developing my career, and have really thrived at my company.
What kind of roles are there in tech?
The technology industry is a broad area, with many different types of companies, roles and opportunities available. It’s also one of the fastest growing industries, with plenty of jobs and exciting developments to get involved with as technologies evolve.
With such a wide range of areas to go into, you could consider roles in consulting, data analytics, cyber security, engineering, IT support, project management and much more, meaning you can find a tech role which fits your specific interests and skills.
I have always been interested in business, and realised early on in my education and career that technology is integral to business success across all sectors. This led me to pursue opportunities which combined business and technology, and opened up a career which utilises my business knowledge, and combines both of my interests.
If you’re not sure where to start, I recommend thinking about what your skills are, what you’re interested in already, and finding out how you can apply these to working in a tech company, technology support company, and the wider sector. You can also start by checking out employers who have been recognised for their achievements or workplace culture. The Women in Tech Excellence Awards are a great place to find companies celebrated as fantastic and diverse places to work.
Why you should consider a role in tech
There is a lack of women role models in the tech sector, which is one of the reasons many girls and women are put off from joining the industry. After all, if you can’t see someone like you to look up to, how are you supposed to envision yourself there? But I see this as a real opportunity for women to enter the tech space, carve their own path, and become a role model for others.
Tech is always developing and growing, so it’s an exciting area to work in, with plenty of opportunity for progression. In my role, I’m always finding ways to keep learning and go outside my comfort zone. If you love learning and taking on new challenges, then this is the sector for you.
The industry may look daunting and difficult to grasp, but don’t let that perception put you off a rewarding and fascinating career path. As we get more and more women in tech, we’re changing the stereotype of what the industry looks like. If you think it sounds like the place for you – go for it!
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