Many businesses now are recognising the advantages and benefits that cloud solutions can offer and this trend is set to continue with companies opting for the cloud for their data storage, backup and also disaster recovery.
However, is your business still hesitant about committing to the cloud, or unsure whether it is right for your IT infrastructure?
What is cloud storage?
Putting it simply, this is where data is stored on remote servers instead of local servers and accessed over the internet (the cloud). Cloud storage is managed and maintained by Cloud Storage Service Providers.
Here are some benefits and considerations to help you….
Cost Savings
Without the necessity of maintaining, upgrading or replacing aging hardware, moving to the cloud can definitely reduce your costs. Moving to cloud storage is also likely to reduce your annual operating costs as remote storage does not require internal power.
With cloud storage you only pay for the storage and features that your business requires, this can be a real advantage and often the decider for small businesses switching to the cloud. If you experience business growth and require additional storage this will generally mean an increase in cost, similarly if your business reduces in size this will also impact on your requirements.
Accessible/Mobile Access
Another reason that many businesses opt for the cloud is due to the accessibility that it brings. Being able to work from multiple devices, enabling mobility, as well as being able to access cloud files and folders etc. anywhere and anytime, providing you have an internet connection. Cloud solutions certainly benefit home/remote working, being able to access, update and save your files remotely, the cloud will also sync automatically across all devices.
Disaster Recovery
A big advantage of cloud storage is that it can also be used as a backup solution in the event of an emergency/disaster. Should this happened data can be retrieved from the cloud that might have been lost or damaged.
What your business will need to consider if opting for Cloud Solutions:
1. Bandwidth- do you have enough upload/download internet bandwidth?
2. Storage Capacity- what are your requirements?
3. Do you have 3rd party email or other applications that require integrating?
4. Do you have any compliance requirements which means you are unable to work within the public cloud?
5. Some businesses may still need the presence of physical local storage as well cloud storage
Talk to Timewade about your requirements, we have vast experience and knowledge of Cloud storage solutions – contact us