Are you ready for the new General Data Protection Regulation? More importantly are the key people in your business aware and what measures have you taken to become compliant?
Here at Timewade, we have taken to steps to help our clients understand the new regulation by running some GDPR workshops, providing key information about the changes, the impact and how from an IT perspective we can help.
We are also working with GDPR experts to ensure we are compliant and will be working towards a QG Standards certification called GDPR essentials so that we can continue to help and support our clients.
Whether you are a Data Controller or Data Processor, GDPR is not just about technology, approx. 80% relates to business processes, procedures and management standards with only 20% IT related or aided.
The regulation is intended to establish one set of data protection across rules across Europe and it also applies to organisations outside of the EU when they collect any data concerning an EU citizen.
How can your business prepare?
The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) have published – Preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – 12 Steps to take now.
Talk to us about Data Security and GDPR