Tech Insights

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Protect your Business from Ransomware 600 400 Timewade

Protect your Business from Ransomware

Following its emergence from Russia and Eastern Europe back in 2009; Ransomware, a malicious form of software, has become a significant threat to businesses and has caused high infection rates and disruption globally. Ransomware will take the victims data, encrypt…

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Is Cyber Security a priority for your business? 600 400 Timewade

Is Cyber Security a priority for your business?

According to the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018, 4 in 10 businesses experienced a cyber security breach or attack in the last 12 months and this rose to 7 in 10 among larger businesses. With GDPR now in force and…

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Should your Business be using Cloud Storage? 600 400 Timewade

Should your Business be using Cloud Storage?

Many businesses now are recognising the advantages and benefits that cloud solutions can offer and this trend is set to continue with companies opting for the cloud for their data storage, backup and also disaster recovery. However, is your business…

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Making Tax Digital 600 400 Timewade

Making Tax Digital

Further to our Spring Enhancements announcement earlier this month, we wanted to highlight the changes to VAT reporting that will come into effect from April 2019. From that date businesses above the VAT threshold will have to keep their records…

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Are you ready for GDPR? 600 400 Timewade

Are you ready for GDPR?

Are you ready for the new General Data Protection Regulation? More importantly are the key people in your business aware and what measures have you taken to become compliant? Here at Timewade, we have taken to steps to help our…

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